In this section you will find links to other websites that I think might be useful to you.
- website of the Labour Party.
- this is the website for Parliament. On this site you will find lots of information, such as biographys of MPs, news of Bills and the timetable for Parliament. Hansard, the official record of Parliamentary debates can also be found via this website.
- This is the website for the London Bourough of Tower Hamlets Council.
- Since the Government devloved power to the GLA much of the responsibility for Londons transport and services has moved to the Mayor. This web site will give you more detials of the Mayors duties as well as his current work.
- this is the website for the Tower Hamlets Primary Care Trust, here you will find details of NHS services in Tower Hamlets.
- this is the website for Tower Hamlets Police. This site gives detials of the parts of the metropolition Police force that work within Tower Hamlets.
- this is the website for the European Parliamentary Labour Party, including infromation on our London MEPs Claude Moraes and Mary Honeyball.
- Richmix is an exciting project of which i am the chair. The aim of Richmix is to celebrate London's rich culture diversity through arts education and training.
- This is the website for the All Party group on the Great Lakes Region of Africa, of which i am chair.
- This is the websire for the charity Shelter. Shelter works to try and improve the problems of poor and inadequate hosuing.
- this is the website for Number 10 and the Prime Minister.
- This is the website for my father, Preston King. Preston is a politcal philosopher with research interests in comparative and developing politics.